Frequently Asked Questions


How can I contact CCTA?


You may contact CCTA via e-mail at

Telephone: 402-761-2216 Fax:  402-761-2224

Mailing Address:

Caribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association

P. O. Box 11540, St. Thomas, VI  00801-4540


What are the dates and location of CCTA’s next annual conference?


The dates for CCTA’s 202 Annual Meeting have not yet been determined.


When will I receive my conference packet of information?  


The association will notify its members and other interested parties when registration materials are available.


As a member of CCTA I know that I will receive a substantial discount to attend the conference, so when can I expect to receive my membership renewal notice?


CCTA sends membership renewal invoices by e-mail during September of each year.


What types of membership are available?    


CCTA has three types of membership – Active, Participating and Associate.

Active members shall be primarily cable television systems serving the island communities and areas within the Caribbean and defined as an individual, firm, group or corporation engaged in the business of providing television signals and/or telecommunication services to subscribers utilizing connecting wire, cable or relay facilities and associated equipment. Click here for Active Member Application

Associate members shall be any individual, firm, group or corporation engaged in the manufacture or distribution of software, hardware or services used in or by cable television systems. Click here for Associate Member Application. Click here for Associate Member Application


How can I get an application for membership?


Membership applications can be obtained from our home page once you have determined which type of membership is appropriate for your company.  See descriptions in previous question/answer and click on the link address.  


Once I have completed the application and obtained the necessary sponsorship (for Active Membership by a current Active Member) or (for Associate Membership by current member in good standing), how can I send and pay for such membership?  


Membership applications can be mailed to Caribbean Cable and Telecommunications Association, P. O. Box 11540, St. Thomas, VI  00801-4540, or scanned and e-mailed to  Once the membership is approved by the Board of Directors, an invoice will be issued for the annual membership dues.


I’ve noticed that you have a page about training. What type of training is available and who can attend?  


CCTA offers a broad range of training on technical, management, customer service, and marketing subjects. Training is offered on technical topics for three days during the summer.  Both technical and management/marketing training are offered during the Annual Meeting in January or February of each year.